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Lifestream is a stream unifier for PHP. Thanks to this lib, you could easily fetch last datas / status from different services:

  • twitter (an account or a search or a list)
  • github
  • flickr
  • rss 2.0 feed
  • atom feed

Lifestream can also filter some status:

  • remove mention from twitter stream
  • remove RT from twitter stream
  • ...

And Lifestream can format each status with formatters:

  • Transform a text link into an html link
  • Transform an twitter mention into an html link
  • Transform an twitter hashtag into an html link
  • ...


Add package to your composer.json:

composer require lyrixx/lifestream:~1.1


Lifestream library is ship with a factory to start very quickly:


$service = 'twitter';
$username = 'lyrixx';

$stream = Lyrixx\Lifestream\LifestreamFactory::createNewInstance()
    ->createLifestream($service, array($username))
    ->addFilter(new Lyrixx\Lifestream\Filter\TwitterMention())
    ->addFormatter(new Lyrixx\Lifestream\Formatter\Link())

foreach ($stream as $status) {
    echo $status.'<br />';

For an extensive demo, look at demo/index.php file.

How does it work?#

There are 3 different actors:

  • A Service (ServiceInterface): This one will fetch data from a web server and extract datas

  • A Lifestream (Lifestream): This one will use a service to retrieve data and then it will create a collection of status

  • A Status (StatusInterface): This is one item among others. It could be a tweet, ...

After this bootstrap, you can add FormatterInterface to format all status and / or add FilterInterface to filter un-wanted status.

So, from scratch:

$service = new Lyrixx\Lifestream\Service\Twitter('lyrixx');

$lifestream = Lyrixx\Lifestream\Lifestream($service);
$lifestream->addFilter(new Lyrixx\Lifestream\Filter\TwitterMention());
$lifestream->addFilter(new Lyrixx\Lifestream\Filter\TwitterRetweet());
$lifestream->addFormatter(new Lyrixx\Lifestream\Formatter\Link());

$stream = $lifestream->getStream();

foreach ($stream as $status) {
    echo $status.'<br />';

How to use the Aggregate service?#

If you want to fetch and then merge few services, you can use the Aggregate service. It will automatically sort all status by date.

Note: This Aggregate service will download all source in parallel for extra speed!

$service1 = new Lyrixx\Lifestream\Service\Twitter('lyrixx');
$service2 = new Lyrixx\Lifestream\Service\TwitterSearch('#symfony2');

$service = new Lyrixx\Lifestream\Service\Aggregate(array($service1, $service2));

// ...
